Where did all of these #nationalholidays come from?
Have I missed something? Every day brings a new holiday, at least on social media
There are nearly a dozen federal holidays on all calendars: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
Of course there are also our set-in-stone calendar holidays including Yom Kippur, Passover, Easter, Halloween, Kwanzaa, St. Patrick's Day and Valentine's Day.
So where did National Pancake Day, National Crush Day, National Hunting & Fishing Day, National Eat a Hoagie Day, National Cook For Your Pets Day and National Cupcake Day come from?
Isn't every day National Daughter's Day, National Sons Day, National Make Your Bed Day, National Housewife's Day and National Coffee Day... or is it International Coffee Day?!!!
Don't get me wrong, these days can be great fun to celebrate on social media and a lot of us join in on the fun. They provide content for us all and make it easy to share something meaningful, silly or impactful. Some of these days can truly make a difference and help us all stop and think about causes like World Cancer Day, National Read Across America Day and No-Shave November.
But you gotta wonder -- where in the world did these 'holidays' and celebrations come from?
I had to find out.
The Atlantic provided the best answers - the article, The Devastating Truth About National Avocado Day by James Hamblin, is worth a read if you are as interested as I am about all of this.
Some people make holiday-creating a hobby and have established their own websites or books on the subject.
Take a look at what's to come in the days and months ahead via the National Day Calendar or National Today - you might learn something or at least let out a chuckle.