Therapy Sesh on Today’s Paige
Here is the therapy session you didn’t know you needed.
It started with a conversation on the tennis courts.
Licensed Clinical Social Worker and psychology expert, Jennifer Kelman and I knew each other from tennis but we had never sat down and had a *real conversation.
But the other day, we did.
I asked her… “What are people coming to see you about these days? What are they struggling with? What do you tell them?”
And while she couldn't get to all of it that day…or as my guest on Today’s Paige the Podcast, Episode 32….she did touch upon a good handful of it.
And I walked away a bit stronger. And more informed.
Therapy is good. Just like vacations and time off. Just like reading a good book. Taking a swim in the ocean. Going to church. Having a dinner with family and friends (the ones without the drama).
On the podcast, Jennifer and I take a step back to consider not only clearing schedules rather than filling them up but also finding life balance and support when we need it the most.
She tackles themes including anxiety, depression, infidelity, adulting, parenting and the importance of communication. Plus, the challenges surrounding device addictions for adults and kids alike. Overcoming perfectionism, the art of awareness and how to create more powerful purpose and mindsets… it’s all on Today’s Paige.