Bits and Pieces

A funny thing happened over a cocktail.

A former colleague and dear friend of mine and I were catching up and talking about life and all the things that come along with it and she started to quote a poem… a favorite poem of hers, she said.

“Bits and pieces. Bits and pieces….” she started to recite.

In wonderful amazement and joy that she was quoting a poem I have always loved too, I dropped my jaw and started to join her in reciting the lines… the ones I could remember at least.

It’s a poem my mom found in a book and introduced to me when I was in middle school… and one I carried with me and shared often through high school and college.

It’s been awhile since I shared it.

Figured now would be a perfect time.

Mom called these kinds of things ‘keepers.’

I hope you all enjoy it as much as Shannon and I do.



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